Friday, May 15, 2015

Military campaigns that are intended to succeed are reliant upon proper placement of logistics and resources

Wang Shu Military campaigns that are intended to succeed are reliant upon proper placement of logistics, and logistics are any resources required in the fluid field of battle. 

And Jade Helm 15 is an application of all logistics and support mechanisms, from intel, to weapons platforms, men and materials etc. It's plain and simple to those who aware of these facts.

You don't get entrapped by 18.0 trillion dollars of fraudulent debt because some foreign banksters are being magnanimous, kind hearted and generous America. You have ulterior motives to seal the deal of doom for the nation and people who're the biggest impediment to you plans of a New World Order succeeding.

You've done this because after the past 100 years of plotting and scheming, the smell of blood is in your nostrils as a vampirec entity, you can almost taste the iron in the victims blood, you're so close to closing the trap and ready to pounce on your unknowingly ignorant prey and devouring them in mind, body and soul, your time is NOW!

 We'd better take a serious look at where America's been steered over the past 100 years of our history, and make a serious course change, otherwise we're DOOMED to crumble into an irreparable also ran former republic, just like Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome!

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