Thursday, April 9, 2015

Ayatollah Khamenei: Obama’s deal is “non-binding.” Iran won’t allow inspections.
Looks like negotiations with Iran are going just swell
from Haaretz:
“I fully trust our negotiating team, but I’m weary of the other side’s attempt at deception. It’s all about the details. The deceptive side may want to stab Iran in the back over the details; it is too early to congratulate,” continued Khamenei, who also praised Iranian nuclear achievements thus far, and reiterated previous Iranian claims that its nuclear program has peaceful purposes. “I told President Rohani and Foreign Minister Zarif that any agreement must preserve Iran’s right to scientific and technological development. They need to find a way for that to happen,” Khamenei said.

According to Khamenei, the United States published a document that was “mostly false” after the latest round of talks. “I gave President Rohani my list of principles and red lines. Beyond that, I don’t intend to get involved in details,” although he also noted that he instructed the negating teams to make it clear to the Western powers that Iran will not allow IAEA inspectors into military facilities under the pretext of supervision of its nuclear program.
Earlier on Thursday, Iran President Hassan Rohani warned that Tehran will not sign on to a final nuclear deal with world powers unless it is accompanied by the immediate lifting of all economic sanctions imposed on Iran over the controversial nuclear program.

The comments by Hassan Rouhani are likely to complicate efforts to reach a final deal by the end of June and could indicate new demands by the Iranian negotiating team.

“We will not sign any agreement, unless all economic sanctions are totally lifted on the first day of the implementation of the deal,” Rouhani said. He spoke during a ceremony marking Iran’s nuclear technology day, which celebrates the country’s nuclear achievements.
According to Iran’s leaders, their nuke program is for “peaceful purposes,” but if you follow their own words, they believe that “peace” can only be accomplished through the annihilation of Israel and the United States.  If you follow that logic, a nuclear bomb would be the fastest way to achieve the “peace” they’re looking for.  

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