Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Stop Cultural Marxism

#BarackObama "#Race #Warfare Is #Being #Promoted To #Divide And #Destroy #America ! #Deception And #Corrupt #Liberal #Media His #Tools                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              To understand the future, study the past. Throughout world history, all multiethnic empires have broken up, and almost always in cataclysmic violence. Therefore, the question is not if the multiethnic American Empire will shatter, but when and under what circumstances." - Thomas Chittum, Civil War II the Coming Break up of America
If this is true of America and other Empires in which different races and cultures have clashed, then it is true of what they are doing to Western nations in terms of purposefully creating multiracial societies in which we can already see the tension and conflict emerging.
As we have said numerous times in the past, the politicians creating the multiracial societies are not stupid, they know the consequences of forcing different groups together and know that the historical examples of forced diversity leading to conflict are many. The question is then, why do they do it?
Bringing other races, cultural groups and religious groups en masse into a once homogeneous society is not done by accident, it is purposeful social and demographic engineering carried out by the political establishment and their financial handlers. Those behind it know full well that the future as a result of this forced mixing is conflict.
(Admin 1)

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