Monday, March 23, 2015

Mr. President, You Cannot Bully Israel at the U.N.
Today Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered a powerful message to Congress.

It was a much needed warning about the dangers of a nuclear Iran.

Prime Minister Netanyahu understands first-hand the dangers posed by a nuclear Iran – the very lives of the Jewish people and the future of the nation of Israel itself hang in the balance.

It is disturbing that President Obama met with Muslim leaders with ties to the radical terrorist group the Muslim Brotherhood, but refuses to meet with Prime Minister Netanyahu.

The Administration should be embarrassed by the way it has snubbed the leader of Israel – our most trusted and important ally in the Middle East.

It is both troubling and disappointing that the Obama Administration chose to ignore this vital opportunity to stand with our ally in speaking out against terrorism and to assure the American people that securing a deal with Iran will not create a nuclear Iran.

It is clear that the American people stand with Israel. It’s about time our President makes clear that he does too.

The bullying tactics must end. Israel is our friend – our ally in the fight against terrorism.

As we work through our offices in Jerusalem, at the United Nations, and on Capitol Hill to defend Israel’s right to defend itself, we want to send a message to the White House and Congress. America stands with Israel.

Sign our petition below.

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